Game of Thrones season 7: SPOILER condemned by Melisandre’s prophecy?

Cinema 1 August, 2017

The Game of Thrones episode 3 of season 7 brought us a lot of surprises and maybe also the prediction of a death …

While waiting for the next episode of season 7 of Game of Thrones and after you have proposed the video promo , we return today on episode 3 titled “The Queen’s Justice”. The discussion between Varys and Melisandre proved to be very interesting, but it could also have marked a turning point for the Spider. Indeed, while Melisandre explains that she will go to Volantis – on the continent of Essos – but that she will return to Westeros to die, she added a few words that sowed doubt among the fans but also in the ” Spirit of Varys . “I will return, dear Spider One last time I will return, dear Spider. I must die in this strange country. Like You ” .

Has Melisander just foreseen the death of Varys? It is very possible, or at least it is what it suggests. She seems to be aware of a prophecy concerning him that states that he must die at Westeros, but does she know when this will happen? Could it be that Varys also possesses powers of which we are not aware and who bind his destiny to Westeros? Many questions arise after these few strange words pronounced by the Red Priestess in the last episode of Game of Thrones . In any case one can already begin to worry about Varys, hoping that other allies of Daenerys are not concerned with morbid prophecies. In the meantime, we have been wondering what will happen in the future,