Game of Thrones Season 7: The cast reward the patience of the fans!

Cinema 11 November, 2016

The filming of Season 7 of Game of Thrones continues in Seville and many fans are waiting for you. The cast then decided to reward them for their endless patience!
For several weeks, much of the cast of Game of Thrones Season 7 rotates in Spain . Particularly in the city of Seville and its surroundings. We still know little about the events that will take place there, even if we should find a place emblematic of the saga , the Dragonpit of Targaryens. It lies on one of the three hills overlooking the city of King’s Landing, one of Rhaenys. It bears the name of Queen Rhaneys Targaryen, Lord Aerion daughter and both sister and wife of Aegon (first king of the dynasty and ancestor of Daenerys). On the top of that hill stood a gigantic dome containing dragons the Targaryen. He was eventually destroyed and its towering bronze doors and metal were sealed for over a century . So we hope to see Daenerys back the footsteps of his ancestors with his dragons.
The teams decided to shoot these scenes in an emblematic building of Seville, the shipyard dating from the thirteenth century. Since the announcement, an increasingly large number of fan, was massed outside the building in question. They hoped to see their favorite players and try to get some information about the upcoming season. But as we know, the technicians of the series are doing everything possible so that nothing filter. So they covered all the windows of the building. Fortunately, fans were finally rewarded for their patience. All the actors and the showrunners, arrived with pizzas in his arms. An impromptu autograph session and photo then started . A nice gesture that must have delighted the few fans in attendance! The Game of Thrones 7 season we reserve many other surprises, since we could discover Casterly Rock and Highgarden. What do you think of this gesture?