Game of Thrones unbeatable: Great winner of next year?
The 2017 World Cup is over and Game of Thrones has again shone in its category. Will she be beaten one day?
That’s it, the 2017 World Cup is over and 13 Reasons Why has been crowned victorious – you were given 5 reasons for his victory. But in the category of summer series whose seasons are being broadcast or not yet broadcast, it is Game of Thrones that has, unsurprisingly, won the cup. In competition with Fear The Walking Dead, Outlander and The Defenders, the series of Dan Weiss and David Benioff crushed everything in his path after winning the competition last year. Could she still be the winner next year for her last season?
Well a priori no, for the simple reason that season 8 of Game of Thrones might not be released until 2019. The news fell in June and as much to tell you that she did not delight us. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the two showrunners said they could not promise that the last 6 episodes would be released next summer and it was too early to predict any delays they might encounter during the Shooting, comments confirmed by Casey Bloys, the President of HBO. They also said at the end of June that they were still writing season 8. So even if Game of Thrones were to come back in 2018, it will only be there in summer, and the chances for it to be discovered Next year remain less. In short, the series will probably not win the competition next year and the suspense remains entire!