Geneviève de Fontenay is critical of the excitement around the funeral of Johnny Hallyday Gala

Entertainment 15 December, 2017

Johnny Hallyday

Johnny Hallyday died on the 6th of December last at the age of 74 years. The emotion was vivid on the disappearance of the rocker. A member LREM believed that many people would travel to pay their last tribute to the singer, comparing the heartfelt homage to the funeral of Victor Hugo. A parallel, which greatly annoyed Geneviève de Fontenay.

Saturday 9 December, nearly a million people had come to say a last goodbye to Johnny Hallyday at the tribute popular visited place de la Madeleine. Celebrities, fans, anonymous, all had made the trip to celebrate the exceptional career of the singer. In a ceremony which had been compared by a member LREM the funeral of Victor Hugo. Aurore Bergé had said with emotion to the death of the rocker : “When I see the emotion that it arouses, and it is legitimate, I think there will be I do not know how many people in the street present to accompany his departure. It is perhaps comparable to what we had known, finally, that France had known – to Victor Hugo by example “.

In the show Hondelatte said, Geneviève de Fontenay is back on this comparison, which was really not the place to be according to it. I was shocked that we have been able to compare the funeral of Johnny Hallyday with those of Victor Hugo, ” she confided to the microphone of Europe 1. The funeral of Victor Hugo were held on June 1, 1885. Nearly 2 million people had gathered to accompany the mortal remains of the writer in the streets of Paris. Before entering the hall, the coffin had been exposed under the Arc de Triomphe.

Photo credits : Best Picture

Johnny HallydayGeneviève de Fontenay

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