Ghost in the Shell: Juliette Binoche, “Dr Ouelet signed with the devil”
Juliette Binoche is playing Ghost in the Shell where she plays Dr Ouelet. In an interview, she revealed more about the character and her relationship with Major.
As you know, Major, the heroine of Ghost in the Shell , is not a character like the others. It is actually made up of a human brain transplanted through new technologies in a fully cybernetic body. But its transformation did not happen by chance. It is Dr. Ouelet, interpreted by Juliette Binoche, who is at the origin of its creation and who also ensures, of course, that Major remains in good physical and psychological state. The scientist, who was discovered in the Ghost in the Shell excerpt in which Major wakes up for the first time in the body of a cyborg , is a rather ambiguous character whose relationship with our heroine is ultimately Quite complicated.
Juliette Binoche in a pure science-fiction film, it’s true that it surprises! But the actress admits to being attracted by this project which did not exactly resemble what she has already been able to do. If she shares most of her scenes with Scarlett Johansson, who also answered our questions on the release of Ghost in the Shell , he still had to appropriate the codes of his (very) rich universe. For her, the film deals with subjects as important as scientific hubris , which sometimes pushes us to the sin of pride. She said, in particular: ” But it’s interesting because it can make you very proud, to think that you can replace the man by the machine. It gives a certain power, as if you were God. And what is beautiful about this film is that, at some point, we are surpassed as a scientist by life, by the mystery of life . ” And scientific pride is clearly one of Dr. Ouelet’s major faults! To satisfy her ambition, she has not hesitated to” sign with the devil “, as Juliette Binoche says so well , But the most important thing in Ouelet is, of course, that she finally understands that one can not play with the soul And the human mind … and that it is rather a good thing! Have you ever seen the film? By the mystery of life . ” And scientific pride is clearly one of Dr. Ouelet’s major faults! To satisfy her ambition, she has not hesitated to” sign with the devil “, as Juliette Binoche says so well , But the most important thing in Ouelet is, of course, that she finally understands that one can not play with the soul And the human mind … and that it is rather a good thing! Have you ever seen the film? By the mystery of life . ” And scientific pride is clearly one of Dr. Ouelet’s major faults! To satisfy her ambition, she has not hesitated to” sign with the devil “, as Juliette Binoche says so well , But the most important thing in Ouelet is, of course, that she finally understands that one can not play with the soul And the human mind … and that it is rather a good thing! Have you ever seen the film? As Juliette Binoche says so well. This does not prevent him from being attached to the Major, who remains his creation. But most importantly, at Ouelet, it is of course that she finally understands that one can not play with the human soul and mind … and that it is rather a good thing! Have you ever seen the movie? As Juliette Binoche says so well. This does not prevent him from being attached to the Major, who remains his creation. But most importantly, at Ouelet, it is of course that she finally understands that one can not play with the human soul and mind … and that it is rather a good thing! Have you ever seen the movie?