Godzilla King Of The Monsters: The Return of an Emblematic Enemy
A new image of Godzilla King of the Monsters has been unveiled. And she teases the presence of an emblematic enemy of the big lizard!
Who knows what monsters have preceded us on Earth? In any case, it is the kind of questions that the characters of Godzilla and Kong – Skull Island had to ask. And we also, in fact, because after seeing these two films, we understand that the Monsterverse contains creatures more terrible and more horrible than the others! And, Godzilla King of the Monsters should show us two-three new monsters, teased especially during the post-generic scene of Kong – Skull Island. Among them, there is of course Mothra, a kind of gigantic flying moth which appeared for the first time in 1961 in the Japanese film Mothra. And precisely, the presence of this one was teased on a new image in connection with Godzilla King of the Monsters!
As you can see, the picture comes straight from the Twitter account of … the fictitious organization Mr.O.N.A.R.C.H! You know, this group is responsible for investigating the MUTO, the enormous creatures that have the potential to ravage the Earth and prevent them from destroying everything in their path. On the image, which resembles a photo taken from a file of M.O.N.A.R.C.H, one distinguishes the fossil of Mothra accompanied by that of two larvae. As if a single monster of this kind was not enough … Of course, this image appears as part of a viral campaign to prepare for the arrival of Godzilla King of the Monsters, scheduled for 2019. On the other hand, hard to say Whether Mothra will represent an enemy of Godzilla or whether she will rather be an ally, the creature having played both roles in the different films in which she appeared during her lifetime. What we teaser a little more what we can expect in Godzilla King of the Monsters!