Gray’s Anatomy Season 13: Maggie Will Discover The Truth About Her Mother Next Week on TF1

Cinema 1 June, 2017

Check out what’s in store for next season’s episodes of Gray’s Anatomy, which will air next week on TF1!
After a short stay in Montana with April and Jackson in Gray’s Anatomy episode 13, which has just been released on TF1 , it’s time to get back to reality and find out what’s in store for you. Shonda Rhimes in both episodes that will air next week. In episode 17, entitled “Words to Tell” , Maggie’s mother, Diane Pierce, will return to the Gray Sloan Memorial. Maggie, still convinced that her mother wants to have her breasts implanted, will not necessarily be very pleasant with her. When she finally finds the truth, she will be completely annihilated … The tension will always be present between Owen and Amelia and this will lead again to a violent dispute between the two spouses. As for Nathan, he will continue to pay court to Meredith and this could well lead to a date! Finally, Arizona will try to be forgiven with Richard.
In episode 18, entitled “Goodbye Mom” , we will continue to follow Diane Pierce condition, which will not be improving . Disagreements will then begin to emerge between Meredith and Maggie about the treatment of her mother. Diane will choose to listen to her daughter, more for Maggie than for herself. It will then start clinical trials that will weaken it considerably. This episode is already a difficult episode to watch and we advise you to foresee the handkerchiefs because the mother of Maggie could not get out … While waiting to see if Diane will defeat his cancer, we propose to you To read our review of episode 16 of season 13 of Gray’s Anatomy , on melty. What do you think ?