His life at the Elysée, his happiness : Brigitte Macron trust – Gala

Entertainment 4 October, 2017

first lady

On may 14, 2017, Emmanuel Macron was elected president of the Republic, propelling naturally his wife Brigitte to the rand of first lady, a role that the former French professor has taken on with commitment and passion.

Interviewed by the magazine Point of View, the first lady Brigitte Macron speaks on his life at the Elysée palace with the one who shares his life : “We very quickly made the choice to live in the Élysée palace to be able to be as often as possible together. This allows us to see in the day, between two appointments, and being together for dinner almost every night when we have no obligations.”

Very immature of her husband, Emmanuel, Brigitte Macron says he does not want to be touched with any critics, as he was able to be about his age or his physical : “It is the couple that we form that protects us, our union and the happiness that we have to be and act together are our strength. My husband often said that to be effective, it is necessary to be happy and I have a certain talent for happiness. For the happiness and for the freedom. I do not intend to let it dictate my conduct by the mediocrities of the perfidies anonymous or malignancies. I get a lot of messages of encouragement and friendship. It is with those that I want to move forward”.

Now on the strength of its status thanks to the transparency charter put in place by Emmanuel Macron, a promise of his campaign, Brigitte Macron is to this day shown present and engaged and a definite asset in the policy of her husband.


Brigitte TrogneuxEmmanuel Macron

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