How to Get Away with Murder Season 3: Episode 11, Annalize is stuck, our critic!

Cinema 3 February, 2017

New week, new episode of season 3 of How to Get Away with Murder that offers us always more surprises.
A week after the resumption and many revelations in the first winter of the season 3 of How to Get Away with Murder , difficulties continue to Annalise Keating and all his small team. This week in “Not Everything’s About Annalize”, the situation gets worse and gives a glimpse of a very complicated future for the characters. Following Frank’s confession in the previous episode, everyone is like us and doubts a bit about his guilt. For a long time, it is therefore a race to the truth that is organized with on one side the assistant of the prosecutor and of the other Bonnie, Annalise and all the others who fear that the whole thing does not end up come to light . Obviously and since it is well to How to Get Away with Murder , it is still unclear whether Frank Wes killed because of jealousy as he confessed. Yet it is not the motives that miss, between the pregnancy of Laurel and the fact that Wes threatened to reveal everything in the flashbacks of the episode …
In addition to all this history with Frank, we have a new insight into prison life for Annalise and the least we can say is that it is much less fun than in Orange is the New Black . The lawyer is mistreated by her co-detainees who accuse her of killing a young man and she soon realizes that if she wants to survive in prison, she will have to adapt. She will have no choice as elsewhere despite Bonnie’s efforts, Annalise risk to stay a while … This is a look badass and it gives when you know the end of the episode, we tend to think she did well . All hope of liberation thanks to Frank’s confession disappeared and the latter ended up being accused of being the accomplice of Annalize Keating in the fire and thus in the murder of Wes … following the confession of Laurel. Suffice to say that everyone is doing his little thing to try to save his skin and that we already suspect that it will go badly. Especially since another case has come up to the surface: that of Rebecca and her unexplained death …
Bonnie’s actress skills when she responds to the Keating 4 save her wager but wonders if the truth will soon burst out about this whole story. Now Oliver has embarked, they have access to all the information they need and allows them to discover that the investigation into Annalise is more worrisome than they feared . Sam Keating, Rebecca, the Hapstall … everything is there to the point that Connor is talking about the possibility of leaving the country. As for some time, the young man panics and oscillates between escaping and confessing everything to finally relieve himself of the guilt that gnaws at him from the beginning. But Michaela puts on his position and wants to maintain the illusion of his “normal” life and can not really blame him … Fortunately, Asher is there, in perfect comic relief and attentive boyfriend to relax a Little atmosphere … In short, season 3 continues with still some mysteries and problems ever more insurmountable for the fine team. We hope things will eventually calm down even if we do not see too how … Until we find out, discover the ranking How to Get Away with Murder in our top series in January 2017 ! And you, what did you think of the episode?