Hpv : the vaccine against HPV reduces the risk of 90 %

Health 6 September, 2017


Published the 06.09.2017 at 14h33


Keywords :

cervical cancer utéruspapillomavirusGardasil

Cancer prevention by vaccination, it is possible. A clinical trial published in The Lancet confirms this : the vaccine against the human papillomavirus (HPV) allows to fight against gynaecological cancers. With a protection against 9 strains oncogenes different, the vaccinated women see their risk reduced by 90 %.

It is a study of magnitude, which enabled us to reach this conclusion. For six years, researchers from three continents have followed the state of health of 14 000 women vaccinated. Half of them had received the older version of Gardasil, which immunizes against 4 strains. The others are views of injection of the Gardasil 9, placed on the market in 2015.

The doctors have not only to hunt down cancers of the cervix. They have also tested the efficacy of the vaccine against lesions of the vulva and vagina. Like its predecessor, Gardasil 9 has an efficiency of 97.4 % in preventing infection by HPV.

Few side effects

The impact of protection is particularly marked against the pre-cancerous lesions the most common : neoplasia cervical intra-epithelial grade 3. It is also very leathery in the face of adenocarcinomas in situ.

“This vaccine provides the opportunity to eliminate the cancers caused by HPV, particularly cancer of the cervix “, welcomes Warner Huh, an investigator in the United States. The prevention is also effective at the level of the vagina and the vulva.

This clinical trial is also reassuring in terms of side effects induced by the HPV vaccination. Only 3 % of the patients suffered severe manifestations. But the product has been implicated that in 7 of them.