In women, the mortality of lung cancer is expected to overtake that of the breast cancer

Health 4 January, 2018

Published the 02.01.2018 at 22h52
Update the 03.01.2018 at 16: 35


Keywords :

cancer seincancer of the poumonmortalité

Time to take stock, especially for cancers. The Public Health objective in France is to anticipate short-term cancers to come, as well as the potential fatalities that result.
The main lesson of this review comes on the side of the cancer woman. For a long time “leader” in the classification, the cancer of the breast should no longer stay in mind on the mortality induced. The remarkable advances in medicine and treatment coupled with the best prevention, in fact, have prevented the mortality.
Added to this is the arrival in force of a scourge who wins that floods the female sex for several decades now : the cancer of the lung. The explanation is simple, the women smoke more and more and more young people.

Status quo men

The other sex has been known to 214 000 new cases of cancer in 2017. The most common remain substantially the same : the prostate cancer (48 400 new cases estimated in 2013, no projection possible in 2017), lung (32 300 new cases in 2017), or the colon-rectum (24 000 new cases). The men succumb more to cancer of the colon than women. In fact, of the 150 000 dead of the year, 84 000 were men, at 56%.
But the equality is at least effective in the disease. If the prostate cancer is the most common, it is one of the better cared for because the more fatal in the male sex remains, again, cancer of the lung.

Note, however, that these projections are a reflection of the assumptions, they can be validated by the trends later, which will be published in 2019.