Jean-Pierre Foucault is critical of the security is far too important in the airports, and attracts the lightning of internet users – Gala

Entertainment 23 August, 2017


Past Orly airport last week, Jean-Pierre Foucault had been surprised to discover the extent to which security controls were pushed. By sharing its reflection in the line, the facilitator has provoked the ire of many tweeters.

In the United States, the general public has become accustomed to seeing personalities criticizing the omnipotence of the employees of the TSA, the agency in charge of the security in u.s. airports. In France, this type of thinking is, however, much more rare. Passed last week by the parisian airport Orly, host Jean-Pierre Foucault is yet shown to be ready to assume the role of whistleblower. On Twitter, Friday 18 August, the father of the family has released the following message: To Orly security, sometimes search totally in the light of all the bags of a woman without respect for privacy..It is a search! possible? “.

If he was waiting for the support of internet users, the presenter of Who wants to be a millionaire has had to be disappointed. He had first right to the answer of the group ADP (Aéroports de Paris). On its official account, the company responsible for operating the airports of paris says that ” all the passengers are in the same boat (male or female) for obvious reasons of safety, all the more so given the context. A message to which Jean-Pierre Foucault replied: “of course ! But I’m talking about search in-depth in the portfolios, passports .. in the address book etc … “. What ADP has finally responded: “Actually, some searches may aim at the detection of explosives and require additional manipulation. Thank you for your understanding.

With other tweeters, the tone was far less cordial. Some users of the social network have not appreciated the remark of the moderator, and even less in the aftermath of the terrorist attack that struck Barcelona, killing 14 people dead and over a hundred injured. “It is nothing to this comment, Jean Pierre , “commented one internet user before a second one does not adds: “what is more shocking than the search of the bags man ??” . To his side, another twitter has posted the following message: “I prefer that we search my bag rather than die or be maimed by these insane fanatics. “More and more put together, users are then became insulting, not allowing us to transcribe here their messages. And to say that Jean-Pierre Foucault was not initially ask the following question: is it possible for a security officer to an airport to search the bag of a passenger?

Orly airport safety, sometimes search totally in the light of all the bags of a woman without respect for privacy..It is a search! possible?

— Jean-Pierre Foucault (@Foucault_JP) August 18, 2017

Photo credit : CVS / Bestimage

Jean-Pierre Foucault

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