Johnny Depp: Amber Heard talks about her bisexuality

Entertainment 26 March, 2017

Amber Heard to say things! The actress follows the example of Kristen Stewart and confides in her sexuality …
Kristen Stewart is proud of her bisexuality , and she is not the only one! Amber Heard has always assumed the fact that she loved both women and men, and she never sought to hide her sexual orientation. A choice that unfortunately asked him a lot of courage, and that also impacted his career! Johnny Depp’s ex-wife agreed to speak at the Pride & Prejudice conference hosted by The Economist . A way for her to continue to help move mentalities forward! Amber Heard confided in how his love life has caused him trouble in Hollywood’s notoriously intolerant industry: “When I hear people say I made my coming out, It makes me react, because I never hid! At the same time because I am a stubborn person, and at the same time because I did not do anything wrong ” .
Amber Heard continues : “I always showed myself as I was, I am an activist, I went to demonstrations . ” She also mentioned her ex, the photographer Tasya van Ree: “I refused to hide my relationship with my partner at an event a journalist asked me who this person was and what relationship I had with her, and I ‘. I had an impact, people tagged me a label when I never defined myself for the person I love, and I saw how quickly I moved from Amber Heard The actress at Amber Heard, the lesbian, which impacted my career, it was difficult, I was the only one to assume that, so nobody had opened the way for me. Said to be silent, that I was going to ruin my career. But I said, ‘Look at me, I’m going to succeed.’ ” And she kept her word! Amber Heard, who was radiant at a family party , shows a very good example … What do you think of statements Of Amber Heard?