Julien Clerc: France Gall, Miou Milou … all the women of her life and her assets to seduce them

Entertainment 18 January, 2017

Julien Clerc will lie down on the ensemble “Divan” by Marc-Olivier Fogiel tonight sir France 3. We met the artist who evoked for us the women he loved.

Sitting in a cafe in the Place du Trocadéro in Paris, Julien Clerc, 69, still wears beautiful.
His physique, his person, are those that appeal to women of all ages. Women that Julien Clerc sings and enchants subtly for almost five decades, faithful constant of his audience. ” I always seemed younger than my age , he says. In my early days, it looked like a sixteen-year-old guy, when I was twenty-one! I have a good constitution, and neither alcohol nor narcotics have ever interested me. I tried some stuff out of curiosity, but not the strongest, I was scared . ”
Be careful, if Julien Clerc takes care of him, he does not give lessons to anyone. The proof: ” It is said that people have their heads upside down because they have the pain of living. One never mentions the pleasure which, in my opinion, is their main motivation. Personally, I do not feel this pleasure, and this is my chance . ”
While his compilation fans, I love you *, referring to his hit of the eighties Women … I love you, is out, Julien Clerc remembers the first time he became aware of her powers of seduction, a summer day on a beach on the Atlantic coast . Paul-Alain Leclerc – his real name – goes on his thirteen years. His father, a senior official at Unesco, divorced his Guadeloupean mother shortly after his birth, and then remarried. ” My mother kept, like many women, one eye on his ex. She hated, moreover, that I said in my interviews that on one side I had a mother working girl, and on the other a bourgeois father. She preferred to call him an intellectual … “Nevertheless, in Leclerc, there was always staff a worker who accompanies the family, even on vacation. ” My father always managed to poitevines they are, I do not know exactly why … Anyway, this woman discussing sitting on his briefcase with a girlfriend, and she said to me: ” Oh but you plairas to Woman later! “The future Julien Clerc laughed, but he understood what she meant.
Having become a successful singer in the late seventies, he gained an even more precise idea of ​​his charm. Long curly hair and triumphant smile, he then runs from the top of his meter eighty-three galas all over France. ” The atmosphere was a little alcohol, a little hot … With my book, I could have had problems, make me like other cans. It never happened. I think I was protected by the girls who told the guys to give me a break. ”
The physical is one thing, the voice is another . By his own admission, he sometimes gets annoyed when he listens to his recordings of youth. ” I was in instinct, like a tennis player who has a good arm speed, but not train. I then learned to work it, and especially to keep my treble. As my professor of singing said, the treble is youth! ”
Her beautiful organ charmed more than one woman. Those of her life, of course, like the singer France Gall, the actress Miou-Miou, the rider Virginie Coupérie-Eiffel or the writer quadra Hélène Grémillon, the mother of her fifth child, Léonard, some of his songs were directly targeted at them, as suffering from you is not suffering (1975) controlled Étienne Roda-Gil to get France Gall who had left, Ma Preference (1977) for Miou-Miou and written by Jean -Loup Dabadie . Or Crazy, maybe , it blew in 2011 Maxime Le Forestier on the theme of fatherhood after seventy years.
Many men who made him sing with ever renewed success the fairer sex , with each style. ” Etienne Roda-Gil (who died in 2004, ed) was a man of pure poetry and had a triumphant vision of love, he says. With him, even on his knees, the guy is proud! Jean-Loup Dabadie has a more direct style, his words take a faster path to the heart. As for Maxime, he knows all of my life and knows what suits me, that looks like me . “New to the galaxy Clerc, Bruno Guglielmi signing the text of Between her and me , the unreleased track compilation fans, I love you dealing with the age difference in a relationship, is also a protege of Even Maxime Le Forestier.
Fina­le­ment, seule­ment quelques femmes ont habillé de mots les mélo­dies ô combien roman­tiques du compo­si­teur Julien Clerc. Parmi elles, Françoise Hardy. « Elle a toujours fait partie des auteurs que j’ad­mire. Un jour, je suis allé chez elle lui jouer des musiques au piano. Françoise est sans filtre, et je voyais bien à son air navré que rien ne lui plai­sait. Il ne me restait qu’une mélo­die, qui n’était pas finie. En écou­tant cette ébauche, elle a dit Ça, je veux ! » Un début de mélo­die qui devien­dra la chan­son Fais moi une place, un des grands succès de l’an­née 1990.
Another author to have considered the case Clerc, Carla Bruni, who wrote to him in 2000 half of his album If I were her . He met her for the first time on a friend’s birthday, as she gently left the model. ” She explained that she wrote songs. I advised a few people who would gauge his work. Later, I received a text, not knowing that it was her. I remembered this conversation, and I recognized his style. We were neighbors at the time, and then I went to her house to talk about it. Carla then took his guitar and sang me fully what will become his album Someone told me, that worked so well. Since then, Carla Bruni has become a recurring author of Julien Clerc’s albums.
This reflects, discusses his own voice and magnetism may exercise: ” The voice has a mysterious power. She may even have a physical, aphrodisiac side, whatever the tronche that accompanies her. Myself, I can get to fall in love with a voice … ” In short, the charm, it really does everything, and Julien Clerc is well placed to know.