Jurassic World 2: Should we expect a darker film?

Cinema 14 April, 2017

Jurassic World did not hesitate to show us some violent scenes. But his suite, realized by JA Bayona, could turn out to be darker!
Nearly two years ago, the dinosaurs made a comeback with Jurassic World , which brought us back to the park imagined by John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) in the very first film. Before of course it is reduced to a pile of debris after a general attack carried out by the big prehistoric reptiles! Jurassic World , with its Indominus Rex supposedly represented human hubris and our desire for ” always more “, endowed itself with a slightly polemical and political subtext. And we can expect Jurassic World 2, which should also put animal rights forward , to do the same. But if the first film was a little dark from time to time, There is a good chance that the second opus will insist a little more on this aspect. Everything leads us to believe that Jurassic World 2 will be darker and more frightening than its elder , although Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard), the two main characters, atmosphere. So, why should we expect Jurassic World 2 to be more disturbing than Colin Trevorrow’s film?
If you are a fan of dinosaurs, you’ve already discovered the image of Jurassic World 2 featuring a brand new character . And it must be admitted that this photo has something very creepy , what make us think that the film will be even more scary. We do not know if it is the difference in size between the little girl and the skeletons of dinosaurs, the empty and mysterious aspect of the museum or the presence of the bones of the prehistoric reptiles that give us this impression. But the fact that we are not very comfortable looking at this picture. Especially that one can be pretty sure of one thing: the museum presented in the photo probably does not lie on the island of the park . This means that the action of Jurassic World 2 could indeed take place on the continent, which would not fail to raise the stakes. And to increase the count of the wounded / dead – since there will be, let us be sure! Not to mention that it is necessary to take into account the rumor circulating on the history of the film and which seems rather credible in view of what happened in the first Jurassic World . For, as you are well aware, the sequel also counts on a political discourse denouncing certain practices of our time, as Colin Trevorrow and JA Bayona , his director , have so often tarnished. And to increase the count of the wounded / dead – since there will be, let us be sure! Not to mention that it is necessary to take into account the rumor circulating on the history of the film and which seems rather credible in view of what happened in the first Jurassic World . For, as you are well aware, the sequel also counts on a political discourse denouncing certain practices of our time, as Colin Trevorrow and JA Bayona , his director , have so often tarnished. And to increase the count of the wounded / dead – since there will be, let us be sure! Not to mention that it is necessary to take into account the rumor circulating on the history of the film and which seems rather credible in view of what happened in the first Jurassic World . For, as you are well aware, the sequel also counts on a political discourse denouncing certain practices of our time, as Colin Trevorrow and JA Bayona , his director , have so often tarnished.
According to the tip of Jurassic World 2 that would have leaked , the film will deal with the military use of dinosaurs. Already, the principle does not appear to us frankly as very joyful, not only because it implies a certain form of maltreatment towards the dinosaurs. And then because, as we know, military experiments ALWAYS end in the films . Now, if the dinosaurs manage to escape and if the action takes place well outside the island, as you might think, imagine the damage they could cause! Owen and Claire are likely to end up with a major disaster on their hands. Finally, The name of the director would almost be enough to convince us that Jurassic World 2 will be much darker than its elder. Because JA Bayona has to his credit The Orphanage , A few minutes after midnight and, even, several episodes of Penny Dreadful . Either a horror movie, a mourning drama, or a series of vampires and slobbery creatures more repugnant than the others. In other words, the director does not have the habit of evolving in very joyful universes! And it probably will not miss a little dark touch to Jurassic World 2. But do not worry, meltynauts, even if the film is likely to turn out darker than its elder, Owen will always be there to Bring some moments of lightness.