Justice League: Trailer of Comic Con, the questions we still have

A new Justice League trailer landed at the Comic Con! Here is a list of the questions that arise after seeing it!
As for new images and news, fans of DC Comics have been served! Thanks to the Comic Con of San Diego, we filled up with news about Batman and Aquaman but also, and especially, about Justice League that made talk about him through his trailer. And what a trailer! He revealed more in 3 minutes than months of teasing and leak! Wonder Woman who avoids a ball, Batman at the wheel of his Batmobile, Wonder Woman who restores a statue, Flash plays the superhero apprentice, Wonder Woman who encourages the troops … In short, you will have understood, there was What to see in this new video! Well, we’re not going to complain because it does not reveal ALL of the plot of the film either. So, we still ask a few questions about what we saw and what this trailer can teaser. The editing of melty makes you a small list of “burning questions” that still occupy our minds.
Is Batman no longer the vigilante of Gotham?
And we start with the situation of Batman (Ben Affleck). It would seem, from the images that can be seen in the trailer, that the vigilante of Gotham … has somewhat deserted the battlefield of his city. We hear in the background of people questioning the disappearance of Batman, who seems to no longer foaming the streets of Gotham. Yet we can see the silhouette of the bat man perched on a building and dominating a city. But what if this city was none other than Metropolis? Could it be that Batman, marked by the death of Superman, chose to defend his city rather than stay in Gotham? Unless he decided to protect the two cities, which can only be too harsh for him.
Does the Mother Box of the Amazons allow Steppenwolf to arrive on Earth?
The trailer made us a nice surprise by training us on Themyscira, the island of the Amazons. Except that the idyllic nation of Wonder Woman is well shaken by the arrival of Steppenwolf (and his immense ax). Now, Queen Hippolyte (Connie Nielsen) and her Amazons, dressed in their armor, are there to wait for her. And it could be that the Mother Box which is on Themyscira is at the origin of the arrival of the big bad of Justice League. We see indeed the object begin to shine and create like a tunnel of light upwards … before Steppenwolf, which unveils at a blow much more than on the recent images of Justice League, falls on them . Must we believe that the Mother Box responds to his call – or something like that? In any case, it is clear that this is not the first time that the villain confronts the Amazons. It is probably in an old battle against the monsters of Apokolips that the latter were able to get their hands the first time on the Mother Box …
In what does the ship dive?
At some point in the trailer, you can see a ship (the famous Flying Fox?), Dive into a strange blue area shaken by a large explosion. At first glance, one might think that this is the surface of the sea. After all, the inhabitants of Atlantis do not own a Mother Box and do not we see Steppenwolf attacking Aquaman under the water ? Except that in fact, on closer inspection, this funny surface does not resemble the sea too. So where is the Flying Fox? Maybe it’s actually a kind of shield that would protect Steppenwolf’s ship. On some images of Justice League, we saw our heroes find themselves in a setting that is found in the trailer, at the time the Parademons meet around their leader. Proof, surely, that Batman & co will come to bear the battle for the Earth on the ground of Steppenwolf.
Will Green Lantern land in the film?
This question is legitimate! We wondered if the trailer of Justice League teasait the arrival of Superman or if it teased that of Green Lantern. But beyond that, we want to say that it decimates clues about the possible presence of the latter. Or at least one other Kryptonian. Steppenwolf mentions at one point that Superman AND the Green Lanterns have disappeared. “No Green Lanterns,” he says, implies that the Earth is no longer protected and can attack it as it wishes. With these words, the super villain proves that the Green Lanterns do exist in the DCEU. As a result, one has the right to believe that one of them could disembark without warning.