Kate Middleton real queen at the BAFTA’s 2017!

Entertainment 13 February, 2017

Oh she was beautiful! At the ceremony of the BAFTA’s 2017, Kate Middletn was a true queen …
Phew, we avoided the worst! A few days ago, we were afraid that a diplomatic incident would come across the Channel. As you know, Prince William has been the President of the BAFTAs since 2010. The Duke of Cambridge honors the evening of his presence. But there, he almost did not go there this year. The reason ? His wife ! According to several sources, Kate Middleton has almost been relegated to BAFTA’s 2017 . The organizers of the event were afraid that it would shade the international stars present for the occasion, such as Emma Stone or Nicole Kidman. Of course, even though Kate Middleton was a real queen at the party , she remained in her place …
The Duchess of Cambridge dared to brave the cold by appearing with sublime robes, with bare shoulders. This is one of the first times we discover Kate Middelton so little dressed from the top. In any case, one can not take away the fact that this held him like a glove. Present on the red carpet of the BAFTA’s 2017 , the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge caused a sensation. We hope that the couple will be able to meet again for the feast of the lovers. Yeah, as you know meltynauts, Kate Middleton and Prince William will not spend Valentine’s Day together . Come on, Valentine’s Day is a bit every day is not it William? So what do you think of Kate Middleton’s outfit for the BAFTA’s 2017?