Kim Kardashian in Paris, his famous ring resurfaced?

New bounce in the Kim Kardashian robbery in Paris! The engagement ring of the star would have been found? Discover the images that sow the doubt …
Wait, what? The twists and turns in the Kim Kardashian robbery case do not stop anymore! If one believed that it was lost to find the robbers of the bimbo, this is not the case. A few weeks ago, the aggressors of a certain age of the star were arrested and images of the crime scene were unveiled . Kim Kardashian’s room, as well as the ties that kept her prisoner in her bathroom and the meeting place of the “papys braqueurs”, were discovered . If Kim Kardashian has made much more discreet since his aggression and despite his return on social networks since the beginning of the year, the star is no longer exposed as much since this accident. If a lot of the stolen jewelry was sold on the black market, what about the ring that Kanye West offered him? It may well have resurfaced …
During his arrest, one of the suspects uncovered that the $ 4 million ring of Kim Kardashian had been destroyed in several small diamonds in order to be more easily resold. In other words, impossible to find … And yet, a ring identical to that of Kim Kardashian has resurfaced in Italy. It is the famous site TMZ which unveiled the images of this ring which resembles in all points the one of the star. The only difference would be the number of carats! The original ring of Kim Kardashian is 20 carats while this possible copy would make 22 carats. If the Kim Kardashian ring were to be a unique model for her marriage request by Kany West, it would seem that she is not so exceptional anymore … In any case, Is inevitable that the two rings seem identical if one believes the video unveiled by TMZ . So, Kim K ring or not? The mystery is total … Moreover, Kim Kardashian would prepare his great return as it should be ! Do you think Kim Kardashian will get his ring one day?