La casa de papel : the series Spanish reveals a first image of the season 3

Cinema 11 December, 2018






The casa de papel go to the phone to Spanish ? It is in any case that suggests one of the first images of the third season…

After being attacked in the factory of Currency and Timbre, madrid in its first two parts (criticism of the first here and the second here), we still don’t know where the band of criminals of The casa de papel will rage for the third, but we’re beginning to get clues.

The teaser, aired in October on Twitter and announcing the start of production of the third part of the series phenomenon in Spain (and internationally thanks to Netflix), left nothing visible in the plot. On the other hand, the photo of the famous Edificio de la Telefónica, Barcelona posted on the Twitter account of the series, tells a bit more about the possible actions taken.



— Casa de Papel (@lacasadepapel) December 10, 2018


The mask of Dali, a symbol of the series, horné of red and blue lights projected on the building and the small easily add emoji in the caption do not leave really room for doubt. Mask, a telephone, a police car… it should be the next location for the filming of the band.

Aficionados will therefore Álvaro Morte (The Professor), Úrsula Corberó (Tokyo), Alba Flores (Nairobi), Jaime Lorente Lopez (Denver), Miguel Herrán (Rio), Darko Peric (Helsinki) and others for a new steering current 2019.

And who knows, maybe pirateront the communications services of the country ?


And especially health !