Legalization of cannabis : mixed effects on consumption
Published the 09.10.2017 at 18h35
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What to do when millions of people consume a product with psychoactive drugs illegal ? Legalize, at the risk of increasing consumption ? Penalize, the risk of a lack of effectiveness in terms of prevention, care, social support ? The issue is complex. While other countries have taken the step to legalization, evaluate the model becomes crucial – if only to get the leçons and avoid repeating the same mistakes in France.
It is the purpose of Cannalex. This international research project, conducted by the national Institute of higher studies of security and justice (INHESJ) in partnership with the French Observatory for drugs and drug addiction (OFDT), has just been published. The authors are working to describe the effects of the legalization of cannabis in three States : Colorado and Washington, the United States, and Uruguay. Its conclusions call for caution.
Usage on the rise among adults
They show first effects to be equivocal on the consumption. Concerning minors, the levels of use have not increased – this is a central point of the evaluation. On the other hand, they have increased among adults.
“In the State of Colorado, which had already appeared among the u.s. States that consume the most, with this increase particularly affects consumers, occasional and regular cannabis aged 18 years or more. The trend is particularly marked among the more than 25 years, including the levels of consumption in the last month have increased rapidly (+ 45 % in Colorado). This trend is more mixed in the State of Washington : the consumption of cannabis has remained stable, except among the more than 25 years, who see their prevalence increase significantly “.
This can be seen in american States, who have opted for a model laissez-faire president of regulation of cannabis, in which the points of sale private are multiplied and the ads target the young. In these States, emerging health issues appeared.
A marketing problem
As well, the report Cannalex shows in these two States, a “diversification of the supply of cannabis, which is sold under the form of cakes, candy, beverages, oil-highly dosed…” This rapid growth of a legal supply polymorph of cannabis, more attractive and visible because of the advertising and marketing (theoretically forbidden but often bypassed), poses few uncertainties about the effects of the growth of this emerging industry in terms of health protection of the youth “, indicate the researchers.
In addition, the facilitators have noted a resurgence of passages to emergencies related to poisoning cannabiques. “This trend is explained in particular by the consumption of badly controlled of edibles (cannabis […], especially among tourists and, to a lesser extent, young people (less than 10 years) and older (surprised by new forms of cannabis sometimes highly dosed) “.
The survey also shows a decline in the perceived risk related to the use of cannabis, an increase in cases of driving after cannabis use and a decline in treatment demand among young people in the States of Colorado and Washington. “These elements suggest a greater social acceptability of cannabis, especially among young people “.