Legends of Tomorrow season 2: Episode 14, Reverse Flash allies with Legends, our critic!

While Episode 14 of Legends of Tomorrow’s Season 2 was broadcast last night on the CW, let’s get back together about the events that marked “Moonshot”!
On the way to the moon! And yes the meltynauts, after having traveled in all ages, here our heroes discovered space in an episode full of follies and moments of pure emotions. While Melty’s editor offered you to discover our review of Legends of Tomorrow’s Season 2 Episode 13 , let’s get back together about the events that marked “Moonshot” aired last night on the CW . And the least we can say is that we had a great time alongside our fetish characters. And we must already recognize that the return of Rip Hunter had something to pack us especially that he must now find his place in a Team that has a new captain. Accustomed to give orders and have the final say on all decisions, Rip has a hard time letting Sara lead the group. Worse, he notices that the young woman manages to bring everyone together when he has difficulty preventing disputes. Still, Rip should find his balance, we totally trust him. However, it was not the main plot since the Team had to go in the 70s to recover the last piece of the stick of destiny. The opportunity for Nate to find her grandfather. A scene full of emotion and which made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. Rip has a hard time letting Sara lead the band. Worse, he notices that the young woman manages to bring everyone together when he has difficulty preventing disputes. Still, Rip should find his balance, we totally trust him. However, it was not the main plot since the Team had to go in the 70s to recover the last piece of the stick of destiny. The opportunity for Nate to find her grandfather. A scene full of emotion and which made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. Rip has a hard time letting Sara lead the band. Worse, he notices that the young woman manages to bring everyone together when he has difficulty preventing disputes. Still, Rip should find his balance, we totally trust him. However, it was not the main plot since the Team had to go in the 70s to recover the last piece of the stick of destiny. The opportunity for Nate to find her grandfather. A scene full of emotion and which made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. Perceives that the young woman succeeds in bringing everyone together when he has difficulty in preventing disputes. Still, Rip should find his balance, we totally trust him. However, it was not the main plot since the Team had to go in the 70s to recover the last piece of the stick of destiny. The opportunity for Nate to find her grandfather. A scene full of emotion and which made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. Perceives that the young woman succeeds in bringing everyone together when he has difficulty in preventing disputes. Still, Rip should find his balance, we totally trust him. However, it was not the main plot since the Team had to go in the 70s to recover the last piece of the stick of destiny. The opportunity for Nate to find her grandfather. A scene full of emotion and which made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. We totally trust him. However, it was not the main plot since the Team had to go in the 70s to recover the last piece of the stick of destiny. The opportunity for Nate to find her grandfather. A scene full of emotion and which made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. We totally trust him. However, it was not the main plot since the Team had to go in the 70s to recover the last piece of the stick of destiny. The opportunity for Nate to find her grandfather. A scene full of emotion and which made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. Emotion and that made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes. Emotion and that made the character of Citizen Steel even more endearing . The young man really brings something to the team and we really enjoy seeing him evolve over the episodes.
While he already had to manage his relationship with Amaya, which offered them no prospects for the future, since the girl had a destiny to accomplish, he was confronted with the possibility of completely transforming his family. Indeed, Nate always had A tense relationship with his father. Abandoned by Nate’s grandfather himself, he never managed to build a bond with his son. The opportunity is therefore too good for our hero who imagines that Henry could completely change his life by returning to his wife and son . But Amaya undermines his plans by revealing the danger that this represents to Henry. A heart-breaking news for Nate who finally confesses to Amaya that her future is not with the Team but on the ground. The newborn couple seems to be on their way to definitively separating. And despite Gideon’s advice, Amaya decides to investigate her own future, discovering the massacre of her village and the face of her granddaughter. That promises for the future and we are terribly impatient to know if Amaya will decide to upset his future. Perhaps she will find a way to keep her relationship with Nate alive. In any case, it is clear that alchemy is indeed present between them. Perhaps she will find a way to keep her relationship with Nate alive. In any case, it is clear that alchemy is indeed present between them. Perhaps she will find a way to keep her relationship with Nate alive. In any case, it is clear that alchemy is indeed present between them.
Meanwhile, Ray was stuck on the moon with Reverse Flash. The opportunity for him to reveal himself a little more. Since his very first appearance in The Flash, it’s hard to feel any compassion for him so much he has been cruel and determined to torture Barry. In spite of everything , “Moonshot” gave us a glimpse of another facet of the villain. Even if his methods are horrible, his goal is finally understandable enough. In addition, he really liked his collaborators, he enjoyed working alongside Caitlin and Cisco and above all he is exceptionally intelligent. If we had understood that he was a true genius, we would never have thought that he would be ” Such support for our favorite characters and especially for Ray. Will this new link harm the Legion of Doom’s plans? Finally, the musical performance of Stein promises to remain in the annals of the series. In addition to having a crazy talent, Victor Garber was simply hilarious and the choruses of Mick Rory were fantastic. Only Legends of Tomorrow could book us a scene as crazy and brilliantly orchestrated. It’s simple: we love it! One thing is certain, everything should accelerate next week for the Team. While waiting for more info, discover our review of episode 12 of season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow on melty. What did you think of this episode? Will this new link harm the Legion of Doom’s plans? Finally, the musical performance of Stein promises to remain in the annals of the series. In addition to having a crazy talent, Victor Garber was simply hilarious and the choruses of Mick Rory were fantastic. Only Legends of Tomorrow could book us a scene as crazy and brilliantly orchestrated. It’s simple: we love it! One thing is certain, everything should accelerate next week for the Team. While waiting for more info, discover our review of episode 12 of season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow on melty. What did you think of this episode? Will this new link harm the Legion of Doom’s plans? Finally, the musical performance of Stein promises to remain in the annals of the series. In addition to having a crazy talent, Victor Garber was simply hilarious and the choruses of Mick Rory were fantastic. Only Legends of Tomorrow could book us a scene as crazy and brilliantly orchestrated. It’s simple: we love it! One thing is certain, everything should accelerate next week for the Team. While waiting for more info, discover our review of episode 12 of season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow on melty. What did you think of this episode? Victor Garber was simply hilarious and the choruses of Mick Rory were fantastic. Only Legends of Tomorrow could book us a scene as crazy and brilliantly orchestrated. It’s simple: we love it! One thing is certain, everything should accelerate next week for the Team. While waiting for more info, discover our review of episode 12 of season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow on melty. What did you think of this episode? Victor Garber was simply hilarious and the choruses of Mick Rory were fantastic. Only Legends of Tomorrow could book us a scene as crazy and brilliantly orchestrated. It’s simple: we love it! One thing is certain, everything should accelerate next week for the Team. While waiting for more info, discover our review of episode 12 of season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow on melty. What did you think of this episode? News, read our review of episode 12 of season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow on melty. What did you think of this episode? News, read our review of episode 12 of season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow on melty. What did you think of this episode?