Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow: Episode 7 tonight, the adventure ends in the 4th part of the crossover!

While the fourth and final part of the crossover will air tonight on the CW, back together on the major events that occur in this very special episode!
Our heroes can they really overcome the Dominators? And yes meltynautes, after having offered an absolutely incredible episode in Arrow, we will finally discover the fourth and final part of the crossover tonight on the CW . While the editorial ‘of melty proposed to discover all the promotional photos of the crossover which gathered Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl , know that all our heroes are determined to kill once and for all the Dominators who more a trick up their sleeve. It is a battle worthy of a blockbuster waiting for us since the aliens are unlikely to give up without a fight . But meanwhile, Stein will head elsewhere. Indeed, the scientist can not help thinking about the temporal catastrophe he himself created in 1987. Is it her daughter? And yes, if you followed the part of the crossover dedicated to The Flash, you must have noticed that Stein now has a daughter.
Find there an explanation to this mystery? One thing is certain, we are terribly eager to see the end of this magnificent adventure that rhythm all week on the CW . Between the parallel world discovered by Oliver in the hundredth episode of Arrow and Old Barry’s message in The Flash, the twists were the appointment and we were totally thrilled to see each of our favorite heroes interact together in episode four widely spectacular parties. Fortunately, the crossover event is not over yet. Pending further information, see our review of the second part of the crossover in which the heroes were united against the Dominators in the crossover Arrow, The Flash, LOT and Supergirl. Did you wait to see the end of the crossover event?