Lego Batman, the film: Rayane Bensetti, “Robin, c’est moi!”
Rayane Bensetti lends her voice (and her energy) to Robin in Lego Batman, the movie, which is released today on our screens. He excluded himself on this experience … exciting!
Never have you seen the judge of Gotham in this state! Released today on our screens on Lego Batman movie Chris McKay, who plays happily scratch the mythical figure of our bat man. More grumpy and solitary than ever, this Batman also has an oversized ego and believes hard as he can solve all problems on his own. So when the (very) enthusiastic Dick Grayson, aka Robin, arrives, the existence of Bruce Wayne / Batman is somewhat turned upside down. But not necessarily that for the worse, as he might believe. Voiced by Michael Cera ( Scott Pilgrim , Arrested Development ) in the American version, the innocent and stirring Robin enjoys French voice of rayane bensetti, who was able to communicate its energy to the character . The actor, who gave himself for the first time to the dubbing exercise, confided to melty’s micro on this new experience and what he thought of the universe of the film!
And as you can see, rayane bensetti clearly appreciated to lend her voice to Robin! Already because, according to him, the character resembles him. Secondly, because the young actor is obviously a fan of the Batman universe and to cue the vigilante of Gotham – which is lined in French by Philippe Valmont, the voice of Christian Bale – it has a little something extraordinary! Not to forget of course the fact that he thus had the opportunity to fight not only the Joker but also some very famous villains of our pop culture. But above all, the charm of the film Lego Batman comes largely from its quirky humor and energy, visual, aural, and its gates slamming. ” Everything was funny ,” we he confirms himself. So, it is clear that his first experience in dubbing was a small success, especially that in their heart’s content, as you can discover in the trailer for Lego Batman, the film in which Robin made his fanboy ! How do you find Rayane Bensetti as Robin?