Line Renaud reveals that she was almost the victim of harassment on the part of Alfred Hitchcock – Gala

Entertainment 24 October, 2017

sexual harassment

Line Renaud spoke at the microphone of France inter, Tuesday, October 24, on the liberalisation of the speech of women with respect to sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. “You should talk ! It is necessary to talk !”, hammered the singer and actress of 89 years.

Line Renaud was pleased to see that the word is free. After the scandals related to allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape targeting Harvey Weinstein, to name just one – many women are fitted in the niche, on Twitter in particular, via the hashtags #balancetonporc and #moiaussi. Invited to France inter on Tuesday, October 24, the singer and actress has expressed his relief. ” I say, finally ! (…) It is good, now the actresses are going to talk about when it’s going to happen to them. Now, the example is given. It is necessary to talk ! It is necessary to talk ! But not when one has decided, we must speak immediately !“, hammered and Line Renaud.

And then to reveal that she herself narrowly escaped a predator… “I might be able to be a victim if I had stayed in the United States, when I signed the film La Madelon. (…) Hitchcock was not white-blue. He has not had the time for me to harass, it was in a cocktail, in the 1950s. I have very well understood in his eyes that if I had continued to see him and in private, I might be… it is included in the conversation, the way he leaned on the fireplace… It was a man who made me the charm” , remembered the ex-leader of the review. “The board now this is really bold ! Dare to do, dare to say it. The shame is not you ! Shame, this is the one who does it !”, she concluded.

Line RenaudAlfred Hitchcock

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