Logan: Concept-arts reveal what Reavers prosthetics looked like

The merciless mercenaries marked the spirits with their very particular look, accentuated by prostheses. New concept arts reveal a little more.
It’s been several weeks since the film Logan is a real success in all the cinemas. Described as one of the best Marvel movies, the mutant’s latest adventure has seduced and stirred audiences, bringing in more than $ 500 million worldwide, becoming the third-largest X-Men film to be the most lucrative. A planetary cardboard that also raised several issues after viewing Logan as to know what had really happened in Westchester? In addition to the many photographs taken by James Mangold to tease the film, here are added concept-arts that allow to see the beginnings of the film as well as its post-production. The concept artist Edon Guraziu shared his works on canvas, including those revealing the prostheses of Donald Pierce and the Reavers. And what can be seen is that at the beginning they were much more modern than those observed on the big screen!
“The directive I had was to design highly advanced, surgical quality aesthetics and materials that would be printed / generated in 3D, in the Reavers’ shipping trucks as they Logan. After two years of production, it seems that things have changed and they have turned to prostheses with a more dated and industrial look, which would be better with The decaying environment, a very good decision that fits better with the atmosphere of the film “. Indeed the concept art of the bionic hand of Pierce is very different from what one can see in the film, where its prosthesis reveals all its mechanisms. Concept-arts often change the direction a film can take. By observing those of Edon Guraziu, a futuristic world was unlike the final result showing a rather western universe. If you’ve seen Logan, here are the 3 questions we ask ourselves after the end of the movie! Which prostheses do you prefer?