Lost in space : Netflix scale a trailer at the speed of light

Cinema 6 March, 2018






Lost in space comes back and pays for a new trailer is exciting enough, that promises an adventure of the most dangerous reaches of space.

Family and kitsch, the original series of the 60’s was nice to stay in the hearts of those who have well-known, it has not survived the ages, at least in Europe, and are not for the latest generations of the general public as an obvious landmark. Even the movie with Matt LeBlanc can claim to have marked its viewers to the red iron.



It is therefore not surprising that Netflix adopts a very different course, not necessarily darker, but definitely more adult and dramatic. A choice of orientation altogether logical, the audience of the SF is wide open and the producers do get the more featured as a vague bunch of adolescent morons while the special effects and the means of the giant SVOD allow it to blow the Money Shot as if it was raining.

The story remains centered on the misadventures of the Robinson family, appear here and there accompanied by a few other survivors of their convoy colonial. The main performers will be Molly Parker and Toby Stephens, both excellent actors, especially seen in House of Cards and Black Sails.

Appointment is made on the 13th of April.


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