Low impact of breast cancer screening : the CNGE makes his opinion on the new plan
Published the 10.01.2018 at 16.55
Keywords :
cancer seindépistagemortalité
Finding breast cancer as early as 25 years ago, this is the flagship measure of the action plan for the renovation of the breast cancer screening of the Ministry of Health. It is a prevention consultation, carried out at a gynaecologist or general practitioner in order to identify the family history, to inform and educate young women. The national college of general practitioners teachers (CNGE) issued an opinion on this subject, it brings into question the efficacy of such a measure.
Testing too early
Among the limitations of this proposal, the earliness of this consultation. For these doctors, in this age group, the health risks are in most others. Especially, the effectiveness of any information given earlier is not proven. Conversely, it may have a risk of over-diagnosis or false-positive, or physical consequences (gestures invasive treatments). Finally, the incidence of breast cancer between 25 and 29 years of age is low, limiting the benefits of such a measure.
Mortality : low impact of the screening
The treatments are more effective than screening in reducing mortality
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association actually shows that in order to fight against the mortality of breast cancer, treatments are more effective than the screening. Us researchers have made projections in order to understand comparative effectiveness of screening and treatment in the reduction of mortality related to breast cancer.
Between 2000 and 2012, the decrease in mortality from breast cancer was 49% : 37% related to improvements in screening, 63%related to the treatment.
In France, according to the league against cancer, the breast cancer mortality has not increased since the 1980s and three cancers of the breast 4 are cured on average.