Lung Cancer : screening by the individual risk higher than the ct scan of the lung

Health 8 January, 2018


Published the 08.01.2018 at 14: 00


Keywords :

cancer poumondépistagescore of risquescanner

Screening for cancer of the lung based on the individual risk has the potential to save more lives than the current recommendations of the working Group on preventive services in the United States (USPSTF) that use the ct scan of the lung.
The USPSTF recommends annual screening for lung cancer with a ct, low-dose among persons aged 55 to 80 years who smoke or have quit within the past 15 years.
This can be explained by the fact that these criteria do not take into account other people at high risk for lung cancer who would have been selected by the calculators of risk of the individual taking into account only the demographic, clinical, and smoking.

The cost-effectiveness changes the game

The most current recommendations on screening for cancers of the lung, including those of the USPSTTF, use of screening criteria based on the results of the national trial of screening for lung.
Researchers from the Tufts Medical Center compared the cost-effectiveness of different types of screening by estimating the years of life adjusted for the quality of these strategies (QS). The authors explain that lung cancer is still one of the types of cancer the most deadly in the United States and that screening and early treatment are an effective way to improve life expectancy.

Although the identification of the persons to be the subject of a screening based on individual risk based on a risk score is superior to the scanner, the real question is, why the screening, irrespective of method, are not subject to the more often in the screening process.