Meghan Markle : discover the real first name of the girlfriend of Prince Harry – Gala

Entertainment 7 August, 2017


No more need to present Meghan Markle. The actress and girlfriend of prince Harry is omnipresent in the media. However, it seems that this latter has not delivered all its secrets. Starting with his real name.

While the rumor of a possible union between Harry and Meghan Markle swells a bit more every day, the English are already under the spell of the American who shares the life of the prince from November 2016. Date of the formalization of their relationship. Even the Crown seems to approve the companion of the prince. A detail all the more surprising that the young woman has already been married in the past. But do they know that her name is not really Meghan ?

For the needs of his / her career, the actress who just celebrated his 36 years,has chosen to use his middle name. In reality, his parents had originally decided on the name… Rachel. A shame when you know thatit interprets the character of the legal assistant Rachel Zanein the hit series Suits ! A particularity that she shares with other celebrities like Katy Perry, named in reality Kate Hudson, but also… of his dear and tender. Prince Harry was christened Henry by the prince Charles and Lady Di.

If you don’t know how these two call each other in intimacy, what is certain is that they share many points in common.

Meghan Markle

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