Michel Berger disinherited by his father : the trauma of too – Gala

Entertainment 12 January, 2018

Michel Berger

All his life, Michel Berger has carried the weight of family history is tormented, almost a curse, that started with the abandonment, in childhood, of his father, a doctor recognized internationally.

If he did not expect to live long it is also because all his life he has carried the weight on his shoulders from the disease and death. In 1953, Michel Berger has 6 years old, when his father, Jean Hamburger, a doctor is recognized internationally and needs an operation urgently. But the doctor refuses anesthesia to be able to comment on the operation, and Jean Hamburger loses his memory. He has forgotten his wife and his three children, and leaves, without a word, the matrimonial home. This abandonment was so touched Michel Berger that he will refuse all his life to carry the family name of his biological father.

Then comes the illness of her brother, who has multiple sclerosis, and his death. And then the illness of his daughter, Pauline, cf. With France Gall, he will adapt his life, and his career as an artist, to make the most of what he knows is doomed. Then, early in 1992, Jean Hamburger dies. The professor of medicine has remade his life. But his son and his daughter Franka have the surprise to discover that they do not appear in his testament, as the story goes Yves Bigot in his book something in us of Michel Berger. The gesture is once again violent and hurt definitely Michel Berger. It died 6 months later.

Photo credits : JLPPA / Bestimage

Michel BergerFrance Gall

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