Migrants : authorities have halted the three epidemics in the North

Health 6 September, 2017

Migrants to Grande-Synthe (JOBARD/SIPA)

Published the 06.09.2017 at 17h43


Keywords :

migrantCalaisépidémiologiemaladie infectious

Three epidemics : this is what the health authorities and NGOS have avoided in the refugee camp in Calais (Pas-de-Calais). In the space of a year, the joint work of NGOS and hospitals has helped to limit the scale of several outbreaks of infections. Their efficiency and responsiveness are praised in an article in the Bulletin Epidemiological Weekly (BEH), published on 5 September by public Health, France.

At first sight, the conditions were not met for the fight against infectious diseases. In October 2015, more than 6 000 people had inhabited the day care center put in place in Calais, the ” new Jungle “.

Epidemics classics

At the same time, Grande-Synthe, Pas-de-Calais), 2 500 refugees living at the camp of Basroch, unhealthy, and flood. Between promiscuity and lack of access to health structures, all the elements were gathered for an epidemic.

Faced with the risk of an epidemic, the cell of the local epidemiology has set up a monitoring network. And the fruits of this monitoring have paid off. A good half of the consultations concerned infectious diseases. But only three outbreaks occurred between 2015 and 2016.

The first epidemic, in November 2015, there is nothing unusual : the flu has raged in the camp of Calais, touching a hundred migrants. A rapid vaccination campaign, organised by the NGO on site, avoided the need for a recovery thereafter. Grande-Synthe has not had this chance. The delay of the vaccination has resulted in a second outbreak in February.

Chicken pox and measles

At the beginning of the year 2016, an outbreak is more worrying occurs to Calais. A rare strain of measles circulates in the refugee camp. Nine migrants, a volunteer and three caregivers are affected.

The thesis of the import is confirmed. A vaccination campaign is launched. It allows you to immunize 2,000 people at Calais, and an additional 450 in Grande-Synthe. The approach works : the epidemic is stopped quickly.