Mimie Mathy cash, the attacks on her physique in the Price of the truth : “I told the team to go all the way” Gala

Entertainment 14 January, 2018


Star of the telefilm entitled ” The Price of truth and aired Saturday evening on France 3, Mimie Mathy is income on the challenge of interpreting a captain of the PJ.

A new role, a new challenge. Away from clicking your fingers, and the public family of Josephine guardian angel, Mimie Mathy has offered a challenge : portray an interviewer in a thriller for France 3. A true against-employment for the actress, which is a lot of fun to get into the skin of Mary Jourdan, captain of the PJ Lyon measuring 1,32 mr. And the famous actress has called the whole artistic team not to save to get the best out of his character.

“I put more of my experiences into this character. We learned : it would be possible to have a cop of 1.32 m. It would probably what I’ve experienced before being a little-known, ” says Mimie Mathy to our confreres of Paris. In the skin of the cop of small size, the actress has not hesitated to ask for the active participation of its employees. ” I told the team to go all out, because I don’t want that occult the reflections I have had about my size,”she explains.

“If Mary is a cop, it is that she has managed to overcome the reluctance… In life, I always answered in his own way,” says one of the stars of the series to TF1, which has recently given its opinion on the scandal, Harvey Weinstein with his straight-talking regular. Subscribe to the comedies and the roles light, Mimie Mathy wants to now change the registry as often as possible. “I hope this will give ideas to developers to employ me in other roles,” she says. The call is initiated.


Mimie Mathy

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