Miss France : the messages that are embarrassing in the toilet of their apartment function – Gala

Entertainment 29 December, 2017

Miss France

According to our colleagues Liberation, the previous Miss France would have left messages in character scatophile’s apartment in the function currently occupied by Maeve Coucke.

When the beauty queens let themselves go. Since she became Miss France 2018, Maeve Coucke is in the spotlight and the media are quick to ask about her new status. The young woman can rely on the guidance of Sylvie Tellier and the boards of its predecessors. However, thees ex-Miss French also know how to play the game of humor outrageous to their lost hours. It is this that tells our colleagues Liberation.

Our colleagues evokes the new life of Maeve Coucke, interviewed in the offices of the Gala. An article not devoid of protrusions, spiced that invites you to better know the one who is compared to a ” Disney heroine “. After a biography in good and due form, the reader learns “the absolute desire to succeed” of the beautiful , and finds his success through an inspired fiction once again a classic from the studio to the big ears. Then, the comparison turns then to the heroine of the TV series. “As Elizabeth II in the series the Crown, the individual disappears behind the function” ensures the daily. The beginning of a revelation for the unusual.

“A comfortable salary, non-disclosed, multiple deliverables to ensure a flat in the Seventeenth with little words scatophiles left in the toilet by the previous” reveals our colleagues Liberation, which decrypts it, not without a mordant, the exercise of communication mastered by the young woman. But that, of Camille Cerf in Iris Mittenaere passing by Marine Lorphelin, and Malika Menard, has left this kind of messages ? Is this a tradition of hosea, which cannot escape a Miss France ?


Maeve Coucke

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