More beautiful life, roommate Nathan continues its investigation, Francesco finds himself alone, the recap ‘of the week on France 3

Cinema 19 November, 2016

With roommates of Plus Belle La Vie, past Cyril Rochat was revealed. Francesco in turn became the unloved Mistral …

plus-belle-la-vie-pblv-sabrina-nathan-colocA new eventful week ended for roommates of Plus Belle La Vie. They are still as passionate about the case on the Phantom of the apartment. At the same time it is normal because the investigation into the death of Cyril was reopened in PBLV . It should enable Nathan and his band to find other elements to solve the case. Moreover, thanks to social networks, the English teacher and Sabrina managed to get in touch with Céline Frémont Rochat. Counsel for the mistral lived a brief but intense affair with Cyril. This allowed us to learn more about the past of the young man knowing he communicated very little with his father. Police meanwhile confirmed that Cyril had been murdered. But then, who was pushed to commit the irreparable?
Everything suggests that the killer is Cyril Julien, the “boyfriend” of Sabrina. It is not for nothing that next week in Plus Belle La Vie, Julien will spend a few hours at the police station . Francesco its part has launched another investigation to discover the true face of Mitya but for now the results are inconclusive. The Italian even tried to talk to Barbara who turned a deaf ear. Tired of being misunderstood by mistraliens, Francesco chose to leave his post at the bar to avoid meeting her ex and the other residents at the same time. It remains for us to wait until Monday before ending the roommates of PBLV and exciting stories.
Become a full member of the roommate of more beautiful life with melty … Every day, discover the latest revelations and indiscretions on the most crazy roommate Mistral! More beautiful life is from Monday to Friday at 20:25 on France 3 !