More beautiful life, roommate Nathan worried, Barbara move on the recap ‘of the week on France 3!

What a trying week for our roommates’ of Plus Belle La Vie. Nathan, especially, is increasingly disturbed by the ghost that haunts him every day …
Life is complicated for the roommate of Plus Belle La Vie . Initially, it was thought that the search for roommates’ would be the biggest problem for Coralie and his band. Except it was before Nathan became a little crazy in #PBLV because of his ghost stories. We assure you, the English teacher does not lose the ball but a spirit haunted him for some time. The more than strange behavior Nathan has made girls cause concern but the discovery of a letter in this piano in the apartment reinforced the idea that it was fine something fishy here . And when Nathan brought this famous letter to Rochat, the latter burst into tears … No doubt, continue to dig in that direction!
Barbara for his part was interested in far Nathan problem. The woman has recovered gradually from his break with Francesco with another man! And yes, she fell under the spell of the new roommate. Mitya turned out to be a very good friend of Julien, the small -ami elusive Sabrina. If Barbara is not ready for a serious relationship, she did not hesitate to take advantage of his single status to have fun. She is the relationship between the two characters evolve? Next week Nathan will continue to investigate his ghost in Plus Belle La Vie and that’s good because we want answers to all the questions!
Become a full member of the roommate of more beautiful life with melty … Every day, discover the latest revelations and indiscretions on the most crazy roommate Mistral! More beautiful life is from Monday to Friday at 20:25 on France 3 !