More beautiful life, roommate Sabrina and Julien are reconciled on France 3

Yesterday Sabrina Julien dropped in more beautiful life because she was tired of his lies. Too much love, she already regrets and decides to finally forgive.
Yesterday Sabrina Julien was dropping in PBLV . Well yes, after all the lies he has charged him in the eye, poor waitress 2.0 no longer wanted to make her life with beautiful producer. One can understand! Especially now that his ex is still not cleared of suspicion! The manager of a cafe concert mysteriously resurfaced after seeing the Facebook page dedicated to Cyril , saying the two friends would violently quarreled the day before the death of the son of Rochat. Again summoned to the police to explain, Julien has, as usual, denied everything, accusing the witness of wanting revenge for having been fired years earlier by the producer. In short, Julien is back released, which will bring happiness to Sabrina!
Yes, since yesterday, our favorite geek has had time to reflect on his decision to drop Julien. And now it is again considered innocent, she regrets having been so hard on him. Apology accepted by the musician: happy ending for the two new lovers Meanwhile, Barbara seems ever more in love with her Mitya while Francesco, who recently left the PBLV bar continues to say she should be wary of him. It is no longer a shouting match between the two close chefs! Nathan, he remains hopeful of discovering the truth about the murder of Cyril. At the apartment, he listens looped one of his pieces. A melody officially unknown to the general public as never output, yet Coralie says she has heard many times. Much will it help Nathan’s investigation? See you tomorrow in PBLV on France 3 to find out!
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