More beautiful life, roommate: The identity of the murderer Cyril and Mitya finally unveiled on France 3?
Francesco will soon leave prison because another person is suspected of murdering Mitya but also that of Cyril in Plus Belle La Vie.
Tonight on France 3, Francesco received a visit from Barbara to Baumettes which is continuing its investigation into Plus Belle La Vie . In recent days the Italian spends his time in prison because he is suspected of killing Mitya. The visit his ex has restored the smile especially because he is convinced that Barbara is ready to get back with him. And yes, why is it so démènerait to pop out if their story is really over? It is a return of the couple possible? We do not bet on it because all that matters to the young chef at this time is to get out of jail Francesco. While the Italian is serving his sentence, the noose is tightening around the mother of Julian. Leo is convinced that Beatrice is responsible for murders and Cyril Mitya but Patrick would not listen. For him, the explanations of Leo are not valid.
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If they are not listened to by his superior, Barbara’s father had found an ally in the psychologist Céline Frémont. Convinced of the innocence of his patient has agreed to participate in a plan mounted by Leo. Indeed, it was proposed to meet the woman behind private parties which Mitya was invited to make her talk. By posing as a future client, the psychologist scored his goal. Beatrice Cayrol was indeed the person who accompanied Mitya nightlife. So, what is the real culprit? It would seem that yes because at the end of episode, Beatrice had a fight with his son after his assault on Sabrina in Plus Belle La Vie and bad memories resurfaced: a clash with Mitya then another with Cyril … Do not miss not the next episodes of PBLV to follow the end of the investigation.
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