Netflix sends fans off despite protests

Cinema 10 June, 2017

That’s it, Netflix has responded to the fans’ protests and protests after the cancellation of Sense8, and that’s not really what we were hoping to hear …
This is no surprise to anyone: Netflix recently canceled its original Sense8 series less than a month after putting the second season online. As much to say that one is always in the process of recovering and even after seeing listed the things that would have liked to see in season 3 to exteriorize a little, the sadness remains present. Some of you may know that a petition has been posted on the website to bring back the series, and fans have come out massively on social networks to make their dissatisfaction known . Well after a few days of silence, Netflix finally decided to respond via a text as short as clear.
In a post Instagram, the VOD group said they had seen the petitions and read the messages of the fans advocating the renewal of Sense8 for a season 3 . They explain: “The reason we took so long to answer you is that we wanted to think a long time to try to find a solution, but unfortunately we can not. Thank you for looking and we hope you will stay close to Your clusters all over the world ” . The message is closed by the hashtag #SensatesForever which seems very weak for the thousands of fans who have just lost a series of hope, love, tolerance and exemplary representation. To recover a bit, luckily that season 5 d ‘ Orange is the New Black is finally available on Netflix . What do you think of that answer?