Obesity : the grossophobie medical degrades the health of the patients

Health 3 August, 2017


Published the 03.08.2017 at 18h52


More than 2 billion people are overweight on the planet. And yet, they continue to be the cost of received ideas. When the medical profession, the consequences can be dramatic.

On the physical level such as psychological, the obese are less well. A researcher from the Connecticut College (United States) recalled on the occasion of the annual Congress of the american Association of psychology (APA), which takes place from 3 to 6 August in Washington (United States).

Two weights, two measures

For a person suffering from obesity, the medical history is strewn with obstacles. The first appears in the consultation. In the Face of the complaints of a patient, doctors make a difference depending on the tower size. According to Joan Chrisler, author of this presentation, the ear of the practitioner is less careful in the presence of an overweight, often appointed by default as the cause of the symptoms.

“Research has shown that doctors recommend consistently to their obese patients to lose weight, then they prescribe imaging tests, blood tests or physiotherapy to patients of normal weight “, summarizes the researcher.

Has these about categorical is in addition an attitude disapproving. A grimace of disgust, a hiss désapprobateur or a nod of the head, are seldom unnoticed. “Patients may notice the attitudes are implicit and to live as a micro-aggression,” says Joan Chrisler. This causes stress and psychological distress. Not surprisingly, obese people are 50 % more at risk of depression than others.

The offices deserted

And physical health suffers as a result of this attitude askance. In addition to the diagnostic uncertainty, the critical remarks resulting in a desertification of medical practices. A phenomenon which is evidenced by Gabrielle Deydier, author of We are not born big (editions Drop of gold). She even obese, the journalist says to have avoided the medical consultations after several negative experiences.

These attitudes experienced as a lack of respect and a grossophobie medical are not always malattentionnées. But their effects are counter-productive. “It is a source of stress and this can cause patients to delay medical appointments, or to avoid any interaction with caregivers “, abounds Joan Chrisler.