Once Upon A Time: Focus on a predictable season that could make her lose!
While Once Upon A Time is still racing to win the Series World Cup, return on a predictable season that could make it lose!
An inevitable defeat? Yes, the meltynauts, if Once Upon A Time can claim to be one of the great favorites of this competition and to have fans very invested who do not hesitate a second to support it, nobody can deny that the ABC’s most magical series is currently in a difficult time. With audiences in free fall and the departure of her heroine, the television show will return next year with half the cast in less and a new direction defended tooth and nail by Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis. While Melty’s editor suggested discovering what the first episode of Season 7 of Once Upon A Time tells us, will the last installment prevent him from winning the Series World Cup? 2017?
It must be said that this sixth season proved extremely predictable until his Season Finale that we almost felt we had already seen so much they resembled the previous ones. The two creators had promised us an epic battle that would close with dignity the adventure of Emma and yet it is only if the young woman launched a fight with the Black Fairy. Likewise, some characters are extremely pampered, take time to evolve and offer terribly authentic scenes when others, like Rumple, turn in circles and change their mind every 30 seconds. It is impossible to know after six years if Rumple is a Big Bad or if he is part of the Gentiles. Widely decried, this chapter could bring down OUAT. So, if you’re a fan, vote every day for the 2017 World Cup.