Organ donation : no need to wait to save a life

Health 19 October, 2017


Published the 18.10.2017 to at 11h48


Give an organ of its living can only relate to the organs which we know that they are going to “push back”, such as the liver, or that it was double, such as the kidney, and whose removal will not change the life of the one who gives.

This technique, though very effective, are not aware of success in our country, where it only concerns 15 % of the renal grafts compared with 42 % in the United States. In 2016, in France, more than 500 people have given a kidney to their loved one and about 3,000 patients have been grafted, following an anonymous donation post-mortem. But this is not enough, ” explains the Agency of biomedicine (ministry of Health). Even if a body can provide several organs, it is far from able to meet the 15 000 applications.
Give her alive is so essential.

Promote the donation

The main brakes are the possible complications that you can’t hide from your donors, even if they are rare, the potential pressure exerted within the family and the psychological consequences in case of failure of the graft.

However, the benefits are significant : reduced waiting time and better results.
For example, the survival in the renal transplant is 75 % at 10 years compared to 60 % of deceased donors.

The law of August 2004 limit theoretically the gift to the father or the mother. A derogation is possible, even in non-emergency, to the spouse, and most of the members of the family.

The donor may, prior to the intervention, retract at any time and, of course, this gesture is totally free. He must be given full information on the consequences of his actions on his health, and then express his consent before the president of the tribunal de grande instance, which ensures that the consent is free, well explained and consistent with the ties of kinship prescribed by the law. The committee that takes the decision is not in charge of the comment in case of refusal.

The policy, which aims for a year to promote this technique in France is beginning to bear fruit. Because, since 1 January, a new decree regarding the donation of organs and tissues is applied in France. This order does not alter the 3 main principles of the law of bioethics, which are the presumed consent (we are all donors of organs and tissues suspected), the gratuitousness of the gift, and theanonymity between the donor and the recipient.

The new rules specify 3 conditions of refusal

  • The primary means to object to the removal of its organs and tissues after death is to register on the national register of refusal. And for simplicity, the registration is now possible online on the website of the agency of biomedicine.
  • Otherwise, you can also argue your refusal to levy in writing and have this document signed and dated to a close.
  • Finally, you can communicate your opposition to your loved ones who will have to certify to the medical team.

In addition, the refusal can now be partial, and only relate to certain organs or tissues.

There is an increase of 20 % over the past ten months, in respect of the transplant kidney. In the vast majority of cases, it is donors that express clearly and precisely their will ; a spontaneous decision in people well-informed.

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The website of the agency of biomedicine