Patrick Oak cured of cancer : Pierre Menes sent him a lovely message of support – Gala

Entertainment 15 September, 2017


This Friday 15 September, the newspaper Le figaro published an article by Patrick Chêne a tribute to the public hospital in the treatment of cancer. The reporter had kept his illness a secret and was removed from the media by the time of his healing. On Twitter, Pierre Menes sent him a message of sympathy.

He also is a survivor. The journalist and sports columnist Pierre Menes has suffered in the fall of 2016 a double transplant of kidney and liver. The time to recover, he had remained long months close to her loved ones, far away from television cameras. And if Pierre Menes has stated that it was not a cancer, which has touched it was no less a” serious illness “.

A few hours after the publication of the tribune, Patrick Oak in the newspaper Le figaro to hire the services of a public hospital in France and to make public the cancer which has kept him away from media for a year, proof that he has preferred to share with his family, Pierre Menes, himself affected, he had little by the disease, has published on the social network Twitter a message full of sympathy and encouragement : ” What happiness for thee to know cured your turn. I kiss you hard “.

The reporter 61-year-old, known to have commented on the Tour de France for 11 years, left in the summer of 2015 the presentation of Political Morning on The Parliamentary Channel. Installed in the Vaucluse since 2013 to become a winemaker, Patrick Chêne is the owner of the Domain Dambrun in Caromb, near the Mont Ventoux. He is also the father of five children, including a small Manon, 6 years.

That’s what happiness is you know it’s healed it’s your turn. I embrace you strong

— Pierre Menes (@PierreMenes) September 14, 2017Patrick ChênePierre Menes

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