PHOTO – The shot of Emmanuel Macron to the hunting that the Government wanted to keep secret – Gala

Entertainment 29 December, 2017

president of the republic

During his visit to the castle of Chambord, the president of the Republic has met with the National Federation of Hunters. And if the communications team of Emmanuel Macron wanted to safeguard the public from these images, the federation, she could not help but post it on the social networks the evidence of the support of the president to his cause.

On the Twitter account of the National Federation of Hunters in this time of festive, we find a charge against those who would have the gall to réveillonner vegetarian or vegan, but also a series of messages that are proud of the support of the president of the Republic to the cause of hunting in France. In fact, while the communication team of the president of the Republic would have preferred to leave without the pictures of the meeting that took place in Chambord mid-December, between Emmanuel Macron and the National Federation of Hunters, which he promised to see them soon, the federation has decided that his image could not benefit from such support. According to Le canard enchaîné, the president of the Republic had ” personally asked that no photos be taken.” And in the newspaper le Monde, reports that the Élysée palace it is well “aware that a dump of dead animals smeared with blood, was likely to offend, especially before the Christmas holidays”.

But ignoring the instructions under the photo, published two times on the account, the federation commented : “The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron was the domain of Chambord this evening. He lauded the contribution of hunting to nature. “And then” Emmanuel Macron has defended the hunt as a strong value in the country. Engage with Willy Schraen (the president of the National Federation of the Hunter ed) the reform of the hunt ” Emmanuel Macron would, therefore, have not only taken advantage of his weekend birthday celebration with the family to visit the castle of Chambord, or to greet the pandas at the Zoo of Beauval, but also to make contact with a organization now controversial.

The President of the Republic @EmmanuelMacron was at the @domainechambord tonight. He lauded the contribution of the #hunting of #nature.

— Hunters of France (@ChasseursFrance) December 15, 2017

Photos credit : Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage

Emmanuel Macron

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