Post-traumatic Stress disorder : the MDMA that is included in a clinical trial

Health 28 August, 2017


Published the 28.08.2017 at 18h27


Keywords :

MDMAecstasystress post-traumatic stress disorder

MDMA, future cure for post-traumatic stress disorder ? In the United States, the research on this psychoactive substance which includes ecstasy advance. Because out of the context of the festival and clubs is the “3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphétamine” gives very promising results to treat anxiety disorders such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). To such A point that the FDA, the u.s. agency of the drug, has changed the status of this treatment for among the list of therapeutic breakthroughs (” breakthrough therapies “).

This list contains the molecules on which preliminary work has demonstrated a significant efficacy compared to other existing therapies, and give hope for very promising results.
Change the status of the MDMA represents a major step : it leads to the acceleration of the procedure and of the provision of the treatment. This also confirmed the effectiveness of MDMA, a psychoactive substance strongly stigmatized because of its illegal nature, as well as the validity of the protocols implemented in previous trials.

Available in 2021

The “Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies” (MAPS), a scientific organization with non-profit origins of the research and lobbying on the MDMA therapeutic, has announced an agreement with the FDA on a phase III clinical trial. “If it demonstrates its effectiveness, the drug may be available as a treatment prescribed legally to patients with PTSD by 2021,” writes the MAPS in a press release.

In the 1970s and 1980s, after the rediscovery of the molecule by the psycho-pharmarcologue Alexander Shulgin, a network of researchers and physicians have been using MDMA informally to treat certain mental disorders, reminiscent of the MAPS. With a caution : ensure that the molecule does not leave the medical field to spread in the context of celebration, as was the case for LSD. At the time, the therapeutic results were very promising.

But, the image of LSD, MDMA, eventually falling into the hands of the general public which has made it a recreational use. The authorities have prohibited the consumption and possession of MDMA in 1985, much to the chagrin of these therapists. Many are struggling, since, to re-introduce in the therapeutic arsenal.