Power Rangers: The official duration of the film unveiled

The Power Rangers will make their big debut in the dark rooms and we now know how long this great adventure will last.
From the small to the big screen, the Power Rangers are preparing to live a great moment! They will disembark on April 5th for new adventures and these young people transformed overnight as heroes will have to face the great villain Rita Repulsa played by the talented Elizabeht Banks . Lionsgate distributing Power Rangers in the US unveiled the duration of the film and it will be 124 minutes long . A duration of a little more than 2h which should allow to lay a good bases, to allow the time for the spectators to attach themselves to the heroes and the latter to prepare for the great combat against their enemies.
They also took the opportunity to unveil the international poster of the film and we can confess to you, we are very curious to discover whether or not the film will live up to our expectations. The 90s series was very much appreciated by the fans and the film announces a big improvement in the special effects which is always a plus. The casting is based on both known heads and “beginners” which provides a good balance. While awaiting the release of the film we propose you to discover the French trailer of Power Rangers unveiled exclusively.