Pretty Little Liars is over: The best reactions of the fans!
While the final episode of Pretty Little Liars was broadcast Tuesday night on Freeform, back on the best reactions of the fans!
Cest fini ! Yes, the meltynauts, after seven years of good and loyal service, Freeform’s flagship series offered us its Series Finale. A real tear for the fans of the first hour and an intense relief for all the detractors of the show. While Melty ‘s editor suggested finding out who was the father of Emily’ s and Alison ‘s babies in Season 7’ s Season 7 episode of Pretty Little Liars , there were many reactions on Twitter following the release of the ‘ Ultimate episode. In the United States as in France, viewers are rather divided. There are those who have simply loved and wondered how they will survive without the series that has accompanied them for years.
And there are those who hated and wondered how the show was able to indulge in such inconsistencies. Frustrated, they even feel like they have lost seven years of their lives. In any case, Pretty Little Liars left absolutely no one indifferent and we are convinced that the series will miss so many people as it had become a real phenomenon over the years often winning the title of the most commented series on social networks . Would the new generation do as well if it landed on our small screens? While waiting for more info, do not forget to vote every day so that your favorite show can win the 2017 World Cup.