Pretty Little Liars: The actresses are already leaving for a revival of the series!
Pretty Little Liars, it’s over … Well, that’s what we thought! Season 7 barely completed, the actresses of the show are already thinking about the sequel.
When there’s more, there’s more ! You thought you had – finally – finished with the series? Lost ! While Season 7 of Pretty Little Liars has just ended , everyone wonders if Freeform will succeed in letting go its flagship series? Yes, difficult for the chain to say goodbye to one of his most successful successes! Prequel, spin-off, revival or movie, the possibilities are endless and there is no doubt that all fans of the show would be delighted to return to Rosewood in a few years. The good news ? Do not put away your hoodies, the actresses of Pretty Little Liars are already leaving for a meeting …
One would think that after so many years in the skin of Liars Lucy Hale and Troian Bellisario would have tired. Well apparently they have more patience / tolerance than us! Spencer’s (and AD) interpreter revealed, “I would be clear for a meeting, just because I’d like to see everyone again!” . But be careful, no question of getting into a revival of Pretty Little Liars just to make a sequel at any price! Marlene I. King will have to have a concrete idea and that she will “do justice” to the series: “After, it will depend on what we propose, what we want to make live the characters and Why we make a sequel.