Prison Break: The series of cult wins tonight on M6!

Notice to all the fans of the cult series, M6 diffuses the continuation of Prison Break from tonight in the first part of the evening and it promises to be crazy!
Michael is back! Yes, the meltynauts, after having bowed out in an extremely disappointing Series Final for fans of the first hour, the show is finally back for a limited and action-packed season. While Melty’s editor suggested that you have followed the Prison Break Revival , you should know that the rest of the cult series landed on M6 this evening . A news just simply pleasing to those who waited for its French broadcast for months. And in this totally new season, T-Bag will announce to Lincoln that Michael is probably still alive somewhere in Yemen.
You can imagine his surprise when he finds out that his brother is alive and that he has done nothing to find his family. It is nevertheless pointed out that Michael’s tumor discovered in Season 4 is totally ignored for this limited season . Indeed, this plot would probably have compromised the return of the show and the screenwriters have decided to do without. But do not panic, these nine episodes are well worth the detour. If you were unconditional fans, you will be totally charmed by this new adventure. In the meantime, discover our review of Episode 1 of the Prison Break Revival on melty. Do you look forward to the first episodes of the Revival?