Rihanna, Marilou Berry : how they have made peace with their bodies – Gala

Entertainment 13 January, 2018


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Too thin, too round, too whatever. Check out how these celebs like Rihanna, the duchess of York, or have finally made peace with their balance and find their right weight… not to punish himself. Each to their own place.

“The weight of my body will fluctuate, which means that one day I can wear cuts adjusted, and another I put instead of the oversize models “. Rihanna is a formal one : the stories of balance, that in-tell-t-on (she has also been derided on social media for her curves), she does not care. The singer-writing lyrics, designer, mannequin barbadian who held these remarks during his master class of fashion, Fenty University, knows until the end of the nail. From the top of its twenty-nine years, she has shown that between his body and her, she is the boss.

Be at the right weight, it is to be in the understanding of what nourishes us until we sometimes “force-feed” – food of course, but also the negative thoughts, our painful history, or even our education. Other stars who have been confronted with these dictates. At the age of fifteen years, Sarah Ferguson realized that she had put the food in the center of his life. “From there, I struggled constantly to control my weight. I tested all of the existing schemes. I did the yo-yo, ” said the duchess of York, fifty-eight years, in an interview to the magazine Hello!. For nutritionist Catherine Malpas, author of Make peace with your plate, published by editions de La Martinière : “The emotional hunger is the most formidable. At the slightest provocation, the reptilian brain takes over. “And here we are, hand in the packet of crisps without even thinking about it. “It is necessary to understand what generates anger, frustration, etc,” continues the specialist. The winning strategy is to feint with the reptilian brain.

After a stressful day, the naturopath advises eating. Yes, but not do anything. I offer a drink… vegetables. “Prepare a plate with avocado, carrots, almonds, olives – yes it is allowed –, small balls of mozzarella, it stalls before dinner,” advises Catherine Malpas. Always in a will to deal with the enemy – the reptilian brain –, to afford a mono-diet – a-day 100 % fruit for example, which puts the digestive system at rest, blocks the bad reflexes and, over time, facilitates the loss of weight. “The experience of this mono-diet has been a revelation, tells the presenter Carinne Teyssandier (Télématin on France 2 and 8 chances to win it all !, on France 3). My complexion, my mood, my vitality is altered “. For the better. Because finally the right weight, it is to be in its best health. Go to the good for itself instead of against itself.

Marilou Berry has lost weight for his health
“To adolescence, plus I was high, I felt strong. The fat was a wall, which protected me from the aggression. […] From the age of twelve years, I was a huge […] “, said Marilou Berry at Elle magazine, in April 2011. Its click ? His role in Ugly. Exit “nonsense” and welcome to the sport. Six years after, the young actor persist and sign. It is found.

Sarah Ferguson in a state of perpetual struggle against his addiction to
“I was eating constantly, I noyais in the food “, told the duchess of York, the magazine Hello!. To get free of his chains, Sarah Ferguson was beaten and held.” I thought that I do not lose never the weight, that I had no control. I have limited to sweet foods as much as possible and above all I have walked, climbed and descended stairs. Josh (Salzmann, his coach, editor’s note) knew what I needed, was to break down mentally of the barriers. […] “. Today, the ex-wife of prince Andrew held her cape.

Carinne Teyssandier did not want to specifically lose weight but find the fishing : ” I’ve decided to revise my diet to rid myself of feeling tired all the time, ” says the host of the Escapades of Little Renaud on France 5. Deleting “the white” (rice, bread, pasta, refined products), the columnist has lost twenty kilos and a lot of old reflexes, including the calorie counting. This is an experience she recounts in My recipes for happiness, The spirit of light ” (editions de La Martinière).

A book smart to manage your weight

In Make peace with your plate (editions de La Martinière), Catherine Malpas we learn… to unlearn. Confronted with the problems of health of her younger sister insulinodépendante, the specialist is engaged in a training in naturopathy and has developed its method to Eat Well, live Well, Be Fit, in 2011. The elimination of toxins in the management of emotions, physical exercise a glycemic index, a guide that makes you happy.

Credits photos : bestimage

RihannaMarilou Berry

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