Roubaix : a paraplegic victim of 225 bites of rats

Health 9 September, 2017


Published the 09.09.2017 at 09h33


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The history reported by the Voice of The North is worthy of a horror movie. A 14 year old girl, Samantha, was discovered by his father on Saturday morning, in his room at the ground floor of the house, lying in a pool of blood. The teenager, multiple disabilities, had been devoured by rats in his sleep.

“There was blood, everywhere,” says the father daily. I thought of a burglary that had gone wrong. She was bleeding from the ears, I thought she had been the victim of a cerebral hemorrhage. I got the fright of my life. “

In total, Samantha has 225 wound on the whole body, according to a police source to the AFP. The tip of his fingers has been completely whittled away. But it is in life.

Unsanitary living Conditions

The father decided to lodge a complaint against the landlord of the house and against the city of Roubaix, for “accommodation conditions contrary to human dignity,” announced the prosecutor’s office in Lille.

He denounces the insalubrity of the district, where garbage piles up, attracting rats. Still, he had, on several occasions since 2012, reported the living conditions to various services. “The hygiene of the city came two times. Nothing has changed, indignant-t-it. This is not because it is the RSA, that we live in a courée in Roubaix, that we should be treated like animals “.